Fresh starts are exciting! The first day of the year is deliciously tantalising with the promises that it holds. So much potential! So much time stretching ahead!It always calls to me with its siren song, beckoning me to make daring commitments and bold promises to myself.
Despite being slightly lesser, the first day of July also holds its appeal. I am reminded that it is the first day of the financial year, and it is so easy for me to convince myself that this day will be the beginning of my hurtling trajectory toward early retirement and financial stability, fueled by an iron will and a strong adherence to strict budgeting and expense tracking.
Towards the end of each month, I keenly await the new beginning of the next, telling myself that I will begin a new habit this coming month, and it will forever improve my life.
“Today is full of potential”
Even the start of each week holds its promises. I think to myself that this week, I will get adequate sleep. This will be the week that I consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. This week, I will nurture and strengthen friendships that I have let slip for too long. I will actually do all of my household chores in a timely fashion, rather than doing them in a mad rush before I fly out the door.
Today is not the start or halfway point of the year. It is not the beginning of the month, or even the week. And yet, today is full of potential, as is every day. Today is my reminder to myself, to never wait for a particular date to take action, if I can begin now. And whenever I'm considering casting on another project, this is my stamp of approval too!